Brain's incredible Passion during the Last Moments of Life


Brain Remembers "Life for the Last Time" during the last moments of Life

Perhaps this research can shed some light on what's going on in our brains when we're dying.

An 'accident' in the world of science shows that our life passes in front of our eyes for the last time in the moments just before death.

A glimpse of this theory was seen by a team of scientists when they observed the waves emanating from the brain of an 87-year-old epilepsy patient.

While the patient's brain waves were being recorded, the patient suffered a sudden heart attack and the moments when he was dying were also recorded.

The recording revealed that 30 seconds before and after the brain became inactive, the same thing was happening in the person's brain as it happens in the dream or when we are recalling old life events.

These observations of the team of scientists have been published in the journal Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience on February 23, 2022. The team wrote in their article that this kind of movement inside the brain seems to remind the human brain of 'life for the last time' at the last moment.

Dr Ajmal Zamar, who was part of the team, was based in Ontario, Canada. In an article published in the journal, he said that the moments accidentally recorded by the team were the world's first recording of changes in the mind of a deceased person.

Speaking to the BBC, he said, "This thing happened very suddenly, we had no intention of doing this experiment or recording these signals (coming out of the brain). '

Dr Ajmal Zamar says, "It is impossible to tell whether all of us will get a glimpse of the time and happy memories with our loved ones. '

"If I jump into the world of philosophy, if our brain remembers the past, perhaps the brain will remind us of good things, not bad memories. '

"But what was memorable for a person would be a different thing for everyone. '

In the patient, this process continued for 30 seconds after the heart stopped, which is the moment you declare a person dead. '

Dr. Zamar said, "These may be the moments when we feel the last time of life, and our brain remembers the memories of our life for the last time before death." '

This research also raises questions about at what particular moment life ends, when the heart stops beating or the brain stops working?

However, Dr. Zamar and his team have warned that broad conclusions cannot be drawn from their single study. Since the man was suffering from epilepsy and his brain was bleeding and he was also swollen, this (may) have complicated the matter. '

'There is a Spiritual aspect to the moments just before Death'

However, a 2016 study on mice may give us some similar clues.

"There is a spiritual and spiritual aspect to the series of moments just before death.

In this study, some American scientists observed that when rats were dying 30 seconds after their heartbeat stopped, the waves coming out of their brains also increased significantly. Dr. Zamar also observed the same in an epilepsy patient.

Dr. Zamar says the compatibility between the two cases is "astonishing".

Dr. Zamar and his colleagues hope that their research on the last moments of a human being can open the door for more research in this field.
"I think there is a spiritual and spiritual aspect to the series of moments just before he died. The kind of observation we have made is the moment for which scientists spend all their lives. '


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