"World Labours' Day " and "Pakistan Looters' Day"


Very Brief about "Labours’ Day"

 The first Labour Day holiday was celebrated on Tuesday, September 5, 1882, in New York City, in accordance with the plans of the Central Labor Union. The Central Labor Union held its second Labor Day holiday just a year later, on September 5, 1883.

Why do we celebrate Labour Day?

Labour Day or May Day is celebrated every year across the world in various countries on the 1st of May to spread awareness about the rights and opportunities every Labour should get for their welfare and betterment.

 Who introduced World Labour Day?

In 1889, the first meeting of the Second International was held in Paris, following a proposal by Raymond Lavigne that called for international demonstrations on the 1890 anniversary of the Chicago protests.

 Why do we celebrate Labour Day in Pakistan?

Pakistan's first labor policy was devised in 1972, in which 1st May was declared an official holiday. This policy also formulated the creation of the Social Security Network, Old Age Benefit Schemes and Workers Welfare Fund. Pakistan's constitution also contains various provisions and articles about labor rights.

 What happened during Labour Day?

 Key Takeaways. Labor Day was declared a national holiday in 1894 and is observed on the first Monday in September. The roots of Labor Day grew out of violent clashes between labor and police during the Haymarket Riot in 1886, when thousands of workers in Chicago took to the streets to demand an eight-hour workday.

 What Labour Day means?

Labor Day pays tribute to the contributions and achievements of American workers and is traditionally observed on the first Monday in September. It was created by the labor movement in the late 19th century and became a federal holiday in 1894.


Very Brief about “Pakistan Looters’ Day”

This day should be celebrated for each and every looter of Pakistan without any discrimination including Leader, Bureaucrat, Religious Leader, Politicians, all Armed Forces, Judges, Doctors, Engineers, Educationists, Lawyers and Professionals in every department etc.  In a nutshell, whoever has played his personal role to make the beloved country an “International Beggar”.  Literally, there should be a book having the title “The Black Book of Pakistan” in which the names of the Looters must be mentioned honestly to bring the real document for our present and forth coming generations.  At least the looters present and forth coming generations identified easily so next time these looters’ other family members may never repeat the history and they always know their luxury lifestyle’s real essence.  Actually, it is also a top level corruption when we hide the reality from our generations.  A nation that doesn’t know her reality can’t even think to flourish in present and future. 

As a True Pakistani, I do believe actually an invisible version of “The Black Book of Pakistan” already written that will be presented on dooms day in front of the omni potent “GOD Almighty”.   

Let’s join hands to play our vital and positive role for the progress of Pakistan.  So, we request the Judges of Supreme Court of Pakistan to use their authority and take a stringent decision to publish “The Black Book of Pakistan” with extremely brief introduction of every looter of this state. So, the whole nation may start to celebrate "Labour Day" including “Pakistan Looters’ Day” on every 1st May as well.

It is also worth noting that India and Pakistan were liberated together.  Observe the progress of India and our Journey of Development has not started, yet. Observe, Bangladesh’s progress is 100 per cent better than us today.  In the next few years, Afghanistan will go ahead. It is also their right. We do not envy or hate other countries, but we want to see our country Pakistan better than these countries and this is our fundamental right because we are Pakistanis. How can the loot of trillions of rupees be forgiven to those who looted national wealth?  I wish the Pakistani passport has at least its due respect!

Honestly ask from yourself, do we deserve to celebrate "Labour Day"?  

God save Pakistan from becoming a joke in the world.   We are true Pakistanis and we truly love Pakistan.   (Amen)


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