Adopt the Blue Zone Diet and Live at least 100 years of Healthy Life on Earth


Blue Zone Diet: What Science Says About the Diet of Centenarians?

The Blue Zone Diet is gaining popularity. There are more than 10 million hashtags on Tik Tok alone. There is also a new documentary series highlighting the potential benefits of this diet.

But despite the interest surrounding this diet, it can be difficult to determine the facts and know whether it is truly a healthy diet or not. So as a nutritionist, I decided to research it.

What is the Blue Zone?

The Blue Zone is not a scientific term but is used to refer to those parts of the world where people live for a hundred years or longer. According to a study, people living in these areas are 10 times more likely to live to the age of 100 than in the United States.

The term was popularized by American writer Don Boettner. The five blue zones he identified are; Acaria in Greece, Loma Linda in California, Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica, Okinawa in Japan and Sardinia in Italy.

These areas are said to have very low rates of diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Boettner found some common values ​​among the inhabitants of these regions to explain the secret of their longevity and good health.

One of these shared values ​​is diet, although other factors are also involved.

What does the Blue Zone Diet include?

The Blue Zone diet consists mainly of vegetables and fruits, but it is also important to note that the diet of each region may differ from one another due to cultural, historical, religious and social traditions. However, they all have some things in common.

Pulses, legumes and grains

A diet rich in protein is considered important in the blue zone, which has many benefits. They are rich in fiber and low in fat, which has positive effects on the stomach, intestines and heart.

Blue zone residents eat a lot of grains. It is low in fat but high in fiber.

It provides fatty acids, B vitamins, folic acid and other nutrients. These include barley, wheat, brown rice and corn.

Such a diet is very useful in reducing the risks of heart diseases.

Low Fat Diet

People living in these five regions are fond of a diet that is low in fat.

But instead of meat, butter, and cheese, they rely more on olive oil, mackerel fish, and avocados, which lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Apart from this, the locals use almonds, walnuts, pistachios on a daily basis. Consuming them along with a healthy diet has many other benefits besides heart protection.

Fermented Food

Fermented foods contain probiotics, bacteria that are healthy and good for digestion.

For example, miso soup is common in Okinawa. However, more research is needed on the longevity effects of fermented foods as much is still unknown.


In the Blue Zone, fish is eaten three times a week, but in smaller quantities. Fish contains less fat than meat and is rich in nutrients. It also contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for brain and heart health.

In the UK, it is recommended that a healthy diet includes two servings of fish a week, one of which is salmon, sardines or trout.


Meat is consumed sparingly and not abundantly in the Blue Zone Diet. Meat in the Sardinian diet is usually only eaten on Sundays or on special occasions.

However, not every region eats less meat. Half of middle-aged residents in the Nicoya Peninsula eat meat three to five times a week.

Beef, mutton are healthy as they contain protein, minerals and vitamins but should be consumed in moderation. At the same time, it is important to eat less processed meat.

Water and Coffee

Heavy water use is a feature of almost all Blue Zone regions. Research shows that drinking water regularly is beneficial for good health.

Apart from this, other liquids such as coffee are also quite common among the locals, especially in Okinawa, Japan.

Beyond Food

When Boettner researched the longevity of Blue Zone residents, he learned that in addition to diet, their daily life and physical habits also played a significant role.

Residents here engage in daily activities such as gardening, walking and doing their own chores.

Along with this, they give a lot of importance to their rest and sleep at night. Acaria residents sleep in the afternoon while Loma Linda has 24 hours a week for relaxation.

Sleep is essential for reducing physical and mental stress and for mental health, which also has positive effects on physical health.

It is also important to note that people living in the Blue Zone are very social and often share meals with family, friends or neighbours.

Loneliness is known to lead to ill health and hence the importance of healthy community and relationships is emphasized.

Is the Blue Zone diet good for you too?

Incorporating a few elements of the Blue Zone diet into your life, such as eating more vegetables, can have a positive impact on health.

The main goal should be to eat a healthy variety of foods, including whole grains, vegetables, and fruits, while minimizing salt, fat, and sugar intake.

However, more research and evidence is still needed to recommend the Blue Zone diet routinely.

#Blue Zone Diet

#Diet of Centenarians

For more info click here


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